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Showing posts from August, 2015

Infusing Love:Her Own Protector

A piece I wrote for  HFA 's Infusing Love . Originally posted on August 19, 2015 Infusing Love: Her Own Protector Categories:  Adult Women ,  Community Voices ,  Families ,  HFA News ,  Mom's Blog: Infusing Love August 19, 2015 The first few years after Scarlett got diagnosed with a Platelet Storage Pool Disorder (PSPD), I was sure she was never going to live a normal life. Being told your 2-year-old has a life threatening condition and that you would have to keep her safe and free from injuries, proved to be harder than I imagined. Throughout her preschool years, we were faced with countless trips to the doctor and emergency room over injuries that I eventually learned I could not prevent. Proof that Scarlett bruised immensely and the doctor’s constant fears of head injuries had me feeling like I was going to have to keep my daughter in a bubble for eternity. After attending