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Everything happens for a reason . . .

I wouldn't say that I'm a religious person or that I was raised with GOD or The LORD instilled into my brain.  But I do believe we were all put on this Earth for a reason. . . that we all have a calling, something that makes us different than everyone else and that can give us the power to change the lives of others in a positive way!  I believe now. . . that my daughter and I were diagnosed with this rare bleeding disorder for a reason, and I think it was so our story could be heard and we could reach out to others and start making a difference.  Our history and personal truths all tell a story and hopefully sharing ours will change the lives of others.
Now. . . . as I mentioned before I've never been super religious, following a certain religion that is. . . I attended numerous church services of countless different religious back grounds and none of them really struck with my inner core beliefs.  I've always found it odd to have thousands of different kinds of people and religions roaming the same world, yet we are supposed to pick one of a million  to follow and believe the rest are sack-religious. . . . it just makes no sense to me.  However I truly support all that do follow a certain religion and by any means am not passing judgment on whatever religion you follow or if you choose to follow none. . .  I think the most important part is just having Faith and Belief that we are here for a reason and to try and do good for the world!
With that said . . . I found myself standing in the shower sobbing . . . surrendering myself to the Lord not to long ago. . . Pleading to give me the strength and guidance to make all this bleeding disorder nonsense have a purpose. I don't know if this was a result of turning 35, losing my father in law and coming to grips with all that my family and I had endured in the last 5 years. . . but I suddenly had the urgency to give my life a purpose. . . . more than being a Mom and making a paycheck to get food on the table. . . . to actually make an impact on the lives of others.
I know a lot of people don't understand the changes I've made and I've definitely lost some friends and family along the way.  My views and life focuses have taken a dramatic turn since I became an advocate for bleeders and I'm sure a lot of people don't like who I've become. . .  But I believe this is my calling. . . I've always known my voice would be heard and I would somehow make a difference . . . I just never knew how.
And I can't write about all this without mentioning my bleeding community. . . This group has opened my eyes and made me embrace the power of prayer. Every time I go on Facebook and connect with another person that has gone through the same thing as me and most the time even worse.  I read these other families stories and what they have to go through. . . . And all I can do is pray . . . Pray for them, for their loved ones, for their courage to fight through!
So you ask me if I'm religious and I'd probably would say no or give you some round about answer, BUT do I believe in a higher being and a destiny that we all should be trying to follow?. . . HeLL YEAH!  If we all look deep enough within our souls and try to find the reason your were put on this Earth  . . . I believe the world would be a much calmer, understanding, and peaceful place to live.

Everything happens for a reason!

Written by,
Kari Peepe


For more stories on my journey with defending our disorder and becoming our own advocates please check out:


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