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Showing posts from March, 2016

The power of women

Recently I was blessed with the opportunity to participate in a Womens Retreat in Santa Cruz, California.  The Female Factor group partnered up with the Women's Bleeding Disorders Coalition (WBDC) to co-host an evening of  food, laughter,   education and ended the evening with some gentle yoga!  Amazing group of women I headed off for the retreat early on a Friday morning. It was cold and rainy and no signs of sunshine were on the horizon, but I left my house eager for what the day had to hold and was ready for some girl time. I live about 2 hours from Santa Cruz and was picking up the president of WBDC on the way, whom was flying in from Texas for the event. . .  Selfie by the Board Walk We were both eager to get to Santa Cruz and see what was on the agenda for the day. We knew we would be meeting up with one of the co-founders of the Female Factor group whom had an amazing lunch prepared for us once we got to her house. We cau...

PSPD 101- What is Platelet Storage Pool Disorder

Hello, My name is Kari Peepe and in 2011 my daughter and I were diagnosed with a platelet storage pool disorder. After several years of researching and going online to find men sharing their stories about hemophilia, but never women talking about platelet disorders. . . I decided to start my own personal blog, A touch of Scarlett. This has become a place where I share stories about our life with a rare bleeding disorder, spread awareness and hopefully empower others to help me in the fight for a better treatment plan.  1- What is PSPD? PSPD is as autosomal inherited disorder (like Cystic Fibrosis) PSPD is a rare autosomal inherited bleeding disorder. Unlike hemophilia which is an x linked recessive bleeding disorder. Platelet disorders fall into 2 categories Qualitative (abnormal function and/or structure of the platelet) vs. Quantitative (from having too few or too many).We fall under the qualitative category. Platelets are small parts of the blood cells that hel...