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Showing posts from March, 2018

Scarletts place in the after school world

Originally posted on HFA's Infusing Love Blog . . . When Scarlett got diagnosed with platelet storage pool disorder in 2011 the doctors told me she wouldn't bet able to play most sports. As she went from toddler hood to adolescence the restrictions seemed endless and it felt like she was never going to find any after school activities that she would enjoy. It was obvious we were going to have to steer away from the traditional soccer, T-ball, and gymnastics. And so we started seeking out sports that weren't contact sports and other activities that would keep her busy. We started off putting her in Girl Scouts, which has proven to be a good decision. It' s a stress free environment where she can meet different kids in our town and she gets introduced to an array of different activities. They spend a lot of time gardening, doing Arts-N-Crafts and learning about taking care of themsel