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Showing posts from October, 2016

Combatting anemia through education and peer-to-peer support

An article I did for Hemophilia Federation of America's Dateline that talks about the HFNC's women retreat that we went to. Originally published in HFA's Dateline 2016/Fall issue Diet and nutrition has always been a huge part of my life. But it wasn’t until becoming severely anemic after the delivery of both my children did I really start paying attention to the balance of certain vitamins and nutrients in my daily diet. Fast forward a few years later to my daughter whom has a platelet storage pool disorder becoming a self pro-claimed vegetarian and I was quickly learning how to integrate the correct iron, proteins and vitamins into her diet that were necessary to keep her growing at the healthy rate of her peers. This has proved to be more than difficult and something I’m always researching and hoping to learn more about.  So through all this a vision was born . . . and a mini-Girls G...