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Showing posts from November, 2013

When life threatening situations become more life threatening . . . .

A recent trip to the oncologist and hematologist left me feeling a little defeated and scared about things that could go down in the future. I suddenly was finding out something as little as a tooth extraction or other major dental work would require a platelet transfusion and something life threatening suddenly was  . . .  " more life threatening!"  I'm supposed to see my oncologist quarterly to alternate between given mammograms or the Dr performing breast exams.  My sister and first cousin were both diagnosed with breast cancer when they were in their mid to late 20's and I'm considered to be a high risk candidate.  My oncologist has been trying to convince me to take the BRCA gene test since before I got pregnant with my second child. . . But after talking to my husband and discussing how big of a hypochondriac I am, we decided to hold off on taking the test until after I was done having children.  Now here we are, 3 1/2 years later . . .  and I'...

I will not let this defeat me...

I know that I am different, that has left me feeling alone. The cure for my ailment, is still somewhat . . . unknown. I hate when I have to take my nose spray. It definitely ruins my day. The side effects are horrible, I don't care what anyone may say. They say that it's supposed to help me, but it make me feel dizzy and weak. And then I still have to walk around  with a bruise on the side of my cheek. I have nightmares still of the needle, I can still feel the prick in my arm. And my Momma whispering to me gently, "they don't mean to cause you harm." I see sometimes that it upsets her,  she cries and I think I know why. Momma's afraid I'll get hurt  and maybe even die. But I will not let this defeat me,  I get braver every day!  And pray that cures and answers  will soon come our way! Written by, Kari Peepe ©KariPeepe/ http://atouchofscar...

Raising siblings . . . When one of them has a bleeding disorder.

Knowing how to discipline siblings when one of them has a bleeding disorder has become more challenging than I expected.  I knew going into it, that limitations would have to be different in our house compared to others, but I never thought it would be so hard to enforce them or that I would suffer such guilt from it.  My children are 3 1/2 years apart and couldn't be more different in personalities.  My eldest Scarlett has a rare bleeding disorder and to no surprise has become pretty spoiled because of it.  She was the first grandchild on both sides and for 3 1/2 years was very used to getting things her way.  Then Walker came along. . . This cute little bundle of joy that had more energy and athleticism than most children I've seen.  Walker likes to run around and bang on things and my daughter for the most part likes to do art, read books, and play with her toys. So it's no surprise that their personalities clash. Ever since Walker was old enough ...